Dangers of eating Excess Of red meat


Dangers of eating red meat

Risks of excessive intake of red meat

Red meat is extremely delicious and is consumed by most of the inhabitants almost daily. This is part of the diet of the food chain; but it is necessary to bear in mind that red meat can bring certain complications in human health if it is consumed in excess

What Causes Red Meat Consumption?

Through various studies that have been carried out in different parts of the world, it has been possible to reach the alarming conclusion that red meat is capable of wreaking havoc on human health, as it can cause certain diseases.

Colon cancer

One of the main diseases that usually occur with long-term consumption of red meat is colon cancer because beef contains some viruses that are really resistant to cooking, so that with cooking, carcinogenic nitrosamines appear.


This means that a virus contained in the meat appears that is responsible for attacking the walls of the intestines, which generates the creation of infections that turn into cancer.

Crohn's disease

The constant and prolonged consumption of red meat is capable of causing the appearance of Crohn's disease; it is a disease that attacks the small intestine through inflammation because the meat that cannot be fully absorbed by the small intestine, so it passes to the colon and is fermented by the bacteria of the interestial flora.


The consumption of red meat in the case of women can cause a disease called endometriosis, which is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue that is outside the uterus, which will be extremely dangerous for the health of women.

Red meat is also the cause of cardiovascular disease, stomach cancer, bladder cancer, Alzheimer's, and a long list of serious diseases, problems, and complications.

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