It is true that the use of new technologies is part of our daily lives, but how does it affect making excessive use of them?
While it is true that new technologies (smartphones, computers, tablets, and other devices) have helped make our daily lives easier, it is also true that overuse can cause us serious health problems and which in the long run can reduce our quality of life.
For this reason, we want to name 6 disorders that are associated with the excessive use of technological devices:
Eyestrain or visual stress: the excessive effort (more than 8 hours a day) when read on computer screens, smartphones or tablets cause dry eyes, burning sensation in both eyes, and in more complex cases, myopia .
- How to prevent it?
It is recommended to keep a distance of about 50 centimeters between the eyes and any type of screen. Lubrication with artificial tears is useful because it relaxes the eye muscles and prevents them from being overloaded.
Insomnia : Electronic devices, due to the entertainment and light they emit, reduce the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and sleep.
- How to prevent it?
Avoid using phones, tablets before going to bed, so as not to affect the quality of sleep should be stopped using at least one hour before bedtime. It is also recommended to keep these appliances away from the room.
Tennis elbow : Repetitive flexion of the wrist causes inflammation of the extensor muscles also causing inflammation of the outer side of the upper arm near the elbow.
- How to prevent it?
Leaning your back firmly on the back of the seat and keeping your wrists resting on the table.
Hearing problems: the arrival of devices such as mp3 players, smartphones,… and constant exposure to high volumes, for a long time, cause hearing impairment.
- What is the solution?
Try to reduce listening time and choose an appropriate sound level.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Constant use of the wrist when holding the mouse produces excessive pressure on the wrist nerve, producing carpal tunnel syndrome characterized by pain in the wrist and palm when standing for quite some time. using the device continuously.
- How to prevent it?
The proper position is to place the keyboard in such a way that the arms are at a right angle, the shoulders relaxed and the wrists supported.
Overweight Obesity: The addiction caused by most electronic devices (video games) causes sedentary lifestyle in people, being an important factor in the development of overweight and obesity. The young population, children and adolescents, is the most affected, as this habit is usually associated with fast food. Excess weight and lack of long-term physical activity trigger cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
- How to prevent it?
Establish a prudent schedule for starting and ending activities with the devices. Also, try to encourage physical activity and outdoor games.
If you want more information you can consult with your reference professional.